Digital Pigeon
Large file delivery and service for digital media producers and creatives. File receiving, media previews, client feedback and tracking. .
WeTransfer is a service to send big or small files from A to B. It can transfer any type of file - such as presentations, photos, videos, music or documents - to friends and colleagues.
wetransfer is a service to send big or small files from a to b. it can transfer any type of file such as presentations, photos, videos, music or documents to friends and colleagues.
you can send files up to 2 gb and they will be available for two weeks, with no registration.
moreover with wetransfer plus (€12 per month (including vat) for our eu users and $12 per month for everyone outside the eu) you can send files up to 20 gb, available for a longer time and password protected.
Official Website
No registration required Send Big files Send files
Productivity Social Phots and Graphics Security Online Services File Sharing Backup and Sync
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Large file delivery and service for digital media producers and creatives. File receiving, media previews, client feedback and tracking. .
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Amazon Web Services
Flight is a modern marketing solution that lets you manage assets, collaborate among teams / people and helps you engage with your customers to promote your brand awareness.
Free Personal Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone iPad Chrome OS Web Internet Explorer
TransferBigFiles.com allows computer users to send large files to anyone. Videos, pictures, documents or any other file that is too large to send as an email attachment can be sent through TransferBigFiles.com
Freemium Mac OS X Windows iPhone Chrome OS Web Chrome
Send your files safely up to 6GB for free. No download speed limit. No registration needed.
Fast and easy file sharing, drop a file into the website and get a shareable link right away.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Android iPhone Web
Download & Upload, share, track, manage your files in one simple to use Cloud Storage. 500 GB Storage Space for free.
Telx Sendit is a free service that lets you email large files with no limits. Transfer unlimited size files, unlimited times.
Freemium Web
Free file transferring service up to 4GB. No needed registration. SendGB keeps files for 14 days! Up to 500 simultaneous uploads. Unlimited downloads. Password protected transfers! Fast email notifications for each transfer. 100% free.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Chrome OS
Accelerated File Transfer, Newest Way to Send Your Big Size Files link: https://quictransfer.com/ how to use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hgctnqE5Sg
Free Web
Simple open source self-hosted file sharing solution. It's an alternative to paid services like Dropbox, WeTransfer.
Free Open Source Self-Hosted
A free application for sending large files to an e-mail receiver. Web client and Windows client available as well as a command line interface and a SOAP web service.
Free Windows Web