Telx Sendit
Telx Sendit is a free service that lets you email large files with no limits. Transfer unlimited size files, unlimited times.
WeTransfer is a service to send big or small files from A to B. It can transfer any type of file - such as presentations, photos, videos, music or documents - to friends and colleagues.
wetransfer is a service to send big or small files from a to b. it can transfer any type of file such as presentations, photos, videos, music or documents to friends and colleagues.
you can send files up to 2 gb and they will be available for two weeks, with no registration.
moreover with wetransfer plus (€12 per month (including vat) for our eu users and $12 per month for everyone outside the eu) you can send files up to 20 gb, available for a longer time and password protected.
Official Website
No registration required Send Big files Send files
Productivity Social Phots and Graphics Security Online Services File Sharing Backup and Sync
file-storage no-registration file-transfer send-large-files transfer-files send-files email-file-sharing email-attachment attachment attachments
Telx Sendit is a free service that lets you email large files with no limits. Transfer unlimited size files, unlimited times.
Freemium Web
Free file transferring service up to 4GB. No needed registration. SendGB keeps files for 14 days! Up to 500 simultaneous uploads. Unlimited downloads. Password protected transfers! Fast email notifications for each transfer. 100% free.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Chrome OS
Accelerated File Transfer, Newest Way to Send Your Big Size Files link: https://quictransfer.com/ how to use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hgctnqE5Sg
Free Web
Ridiculously easy file-sharing. Only 3 steps: 1.Visit Crate. Visit Crate and sign on. You'll be presented with a list of crates. A crate holds one or more files. Select one of the crates. 2.Upload your files.
Commercial Web
Simple open source self-hosted file sharing solution. It's an alternative to paid services like Dropbox, WeTransfer.
Free Open Source Self-Hosted
FileFactory is the easiest way to upload and share your files in the cloud for free. Get unlimited storage space plus unlimited downloads with a Premium account.
Freemium Web
Right-click to share any file, or use the web upload. Free & open-source. When you share a file with ShareByLink, it streams the file from your computer and provides a sharing link instantly.
Free Mac OS X Windows Web Self-Hosted
hitfile.net is a free net space where you may upload your files, store them, share your files with your friends by providing them links to your files, and download your friend's files using their links.
Freemium Web
Rapidgator.net is a file hosting service, online since 2010.
Freemium Android iPhone Web
Upload your files anonymously and free on AnonFile We offer you 500 MB filesize limit and unlimited bandwidth. All file types supported!
Free Web
ProjectSend is a self-hosted application (you can install it easily on your own VPS or shared web hosting account) that lets you upload files and assign them to specific clients that you create yourself! Secure, private and easy.
Free Open Source Self-Hosted
TinyUpload.com - best file hosting solution, with no limits, totally free. Four simple TinyUpload.com's rules: no download, upload limits 50 MB per file downloaded files hosted for ever 100% free
Free Web