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TransferBigFiles.com allows computer users to send large files to anyone. Videos, pictures, documents or any other file that is too large to send as an email attachment can be sent through TransferBigFiles.com
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A completely free file sharing service, upload files up to 50GB without limits, securely & anonymously. Files are encrypted & stored securely in the cloud, for 30 days for free, and permanently for pro users. .
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Send your files safely up to 6GB for free. No download speed limit. No registration needed.
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Download & Upload, share, track, manage your files in one simple to use Cloud Storage. 500 GB Storage Space for free.
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Telx Sendit
Telx Sendit is a free service that lets you email large files with no limits. Transfer unlimited size files, unlimited times.
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Orzeszek Transfer
Orzeszek Transfer is a simple file transfer utility that allows you to send larger files to anyone with a web browser without using buggy IM file transfers.
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FTAPI SecuTransfer
FTAPI SecuTransfer is the business solution for easy to use and continuously encrypted file exchange and storage with costumers, suppliers and project teams.
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Upload your files until 2 GB for free (max. upload allowdd 25 GB each file) without any limitations. We have 10 native languages available. New: Buy a Flatrate for very large files upto 5 TB.
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Share me Files
Easily and quickly send your files to other users without any registration. Just upload file and send a link or key to recipient, that's all, you can do it simply in...
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Transfernow is a free large file transferring service. One can share or send large files up to 2 GB to friends and family by email or a share link.