The Best 257 Challenge Achieved Alternatives

  • 2Do

    2Do lets you take a completely different approach to managing your tasks.

    Commercial Mac OS X Android iPhone iPad Apple Watch

  • Checkvist

    A web tool for creating online outlines, hierarchical task lists, collecting, and structuring all kinds of information.

    Freemium Android iPhone iPad Web

  • TaskBoard

    A Kanban-inspired app for keeping track of things that need to get done. The goal of TaskBoard is to provide a simple and clean interface to a functional and minimal application for keeping track of tasks.

    Free Open Source Self-Hosted

  • TaskPaper

    Make lists and get organized. TaskPaper is a plain text to-do list that’s surprisingly adept. Outliners are powerful, but hard to use. Text editors are easy, but without structure.

    Commercial Mac OS X

  • DropTask

    Visualize your workload like never before with DropTask, a task management web application with a truly unique visual interface. Plan, manage and achieve anything, beautifully A simple and fluid way to get things done.


  • is a notepad, a to-do list, and an outliner, but with advanced features that make the cloud-based application much more useful than any of those tools would be on their own.

    Freemium Android iPhone Chrome OS Web

  • UV Outliner

    UV Outliner is a small and powerful single-pane outliner. It is intended for creating, organizing, and collecting information.

    Free Windows

  • Awesome Note

    Awesome Note is an innovative note taking application and to-do manager that allows you to combine notes with to-do flexibility.

    Commercial iPhone iPad

  • Nitro

    Super awesome task management. Nitro is the best way to get things done. It's simple, fast and powerful at the same time. Nitro also syncs with Dropbox or Ubuntu One.

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Linux Web

  • To Round

    To Round is an easy-to-use task manager for iOS and Android with clear interface, designed for visual thinkers.

    Free Android iPhone

  • Tasque

    Tasque is a simple task management app (TODO list). The main window has the ability to complete a task, change the priority, change the name, and change the due date without additional property dialogs.

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux

  • Bluenote

    Beautifully designed notes, tasks and passwords organizer in a single app. Bluenote automatically encrypts, saves and syncs on the fly. Use Bluenote to: ¦ Manage your notes, task lists and passwords all from one app.

    Commercial Mac OS X


    Feature rich kanban board collaboration platform. Fun UI, super fast, allows you to comment on to do list items, awesome activity feed and inbox tools to keep an eye on things. Mobile friendly iOS + Android.

    Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Chrome OS Web

  • Conqu

    Conqu is an easy to use yet powerful task management tool designed to help you conquer your inbox and get things done.

    Freemium Mac OS X Windows Linux Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Blackberry