Free Download Manager
FDM accelerates downloads by splitting files into sections and then downloading them simultaneously.
wxDownload Fast (also known as wxDFast) is an open source download manager. It is multi-platform and builds on Windows(2k,XP), Linux and Mac OS X(binary still not available). Besides that, it is a multi-threaded download manager.
wxDownload Fast (also known as wxDFast) is an open source download manager. It is multiplatform and builds on Windows(2k,XP), Linux and Mac OS X(binary still not available). Besides that, it is a multithreaded download manager. This means that it can split a file into several pieces and download the pieces simultaneously.
Productivity Social File Sharing File Management
portable Discontinued download-manager download-accelerator
FDM accelerates downloads by splitting files into sections and then downloading them simultaneously.
Free Mac OS X Windows
Xtreme Download Manager is a powerful tool to increase download speed up-to 500%, save videos from video sharing sites and integration with ANY browser.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux BSD Mac
Internet Download Accelerator effectively solves three of the biggest problems when downloading files: speed, resuming broken downloads, and management of downloaded files.
Free Personal
Turbo Download Manager is a multi-threading download manager for Chrome and Opera as a browser extension and for Android, Windows, Linux, and Mac OS as an stand-alone application.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Chrome Opera
This is an experimental Firefox 57 download manager with multithreading support. It can download files with multiple connections to the server. Depending on the network condition, this may increase the download speed.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Firefox
Fresh Download is an easy-to-use and very fast download manager software that turbo charge downloading files from the Internet, such as your favorite software, mp3 files, video files, picture collections, etc.
Free Windows