JDownloader simplifies and improves the process of downloading files from "free" file hosting sites like Rapidshare or Megaupload.
MultiGet is an easy-to-use GUI file downloader for Windows/Linux/BSDs/MacOs. It's programmed in C++ and has a GUI based on wxWidgets. It supports HTTP/FTP protocols which covers the requirements of most users.
multiget is an easytouse gui file downloader for windows/linux/bsds/macos. it's programmed in c++ and has a gui based on wxwidgets. it supports http/ftp protocols which covers the requirements of most users. it supports multitask with multithread on multiserver. it supports resuming downloads if the web server supports it, and if you like, you can reconfig the thread number without stopping the current task. it's also support socks 4,4a,5 proxy, ftp proxy, http proxy.
in v0.8.0, a new feature was introduced, that is so called p2sp, or in other words , get file from multiple servers, and combine the data from different site into one file. this makes downloads complete much faster.
multiget also supports switching language dynamically, you can choose chinese or english interface. generally it will automatic choose a proper language for you.
at this time(version 1.1.1), multiget can run on windows 2000/xp, almost all linux desktops, macos, bsds. it can only depends on gtk+ runtime environment in linux if statically linked with wxwidgets. it was tested on many system such as : windows 2000, ubuntu ,kubuntu, xubuntu, fc5, opensuse10.4, mandriva 2007, mepis 6.0, pclinuxos, centos4.4, puppy2.0, xandros, edubuntu, redflag workstation 5, magiclinux, dubuntu, archlinux, hiweed, freebsd, macos etc.
Resume interrupted downloads Support for FTP Support for Multiple threads
Productivity Social File Sharing File Management
resume-downloads ftp-support Discontinued multi-thread-support download-manager download-accelerator
JDownloader simplifies and improves the process of downloading files from "free" file hosting sites like Rapidshare or Megaupload.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
DownThemAll (or just dTa) is a powerful yet easy-to-use Mozilla Firefox extension that adds new advanced download capabilities to your browser.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux BSD Mac Firefox Pale Moon
FDM accelerates downloads by splitting files into sections and then downloading them simultaneously.
Free Mac OS X Windows
Internet download manager (IDM) is a tool to manage and schedule downloads. It can boost the speed of download up to 5 times.
Commercial Windows
Orbit Downloader is a Download Manager for Windows with special focus on downloading content from social media websites like Myspace, YouTube, Imeem, Pandora and Rapidshare.
Free Windows
Xtreme Download Manager is a powerful tool to increase download speed up-to 500%, save videos from video sharing sites and integration with ANY browser.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux BSD Mac
Download Accelerator Plus accelerates your downloads by downloading from parallel mirror sites.
Freemium Windows
Turbo Download Manager is a multi-threading download manager for Chrome and Opera as a browser extension and for Android, Windows, Linux, and Mac OS as an stand-alone application.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Chrome Opera
Download Accelerator Manager (DAM) lets you download not only Internet files but also Web media from sites like YouTube, easily at maximum speed.
Freemium Windows
Linux Download Manager (LDM) is a free and open source download manager for Linux. It has a nice and user friendly interface. Linux Download Manger now under continuous development and improvment.
Free Open Source Linux
Chrono Download Manager is the first (and only) full-featured download manager for Google Chrome. All your download management is done inside a browser tab instead of by installing a separate download managing application.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome
Advanced Download Manager is a full featured downlader for Android.
Freemium Android Android Tablet
DownloadStudio - The award-winning Internet Download Manager from Conceiva.
Commercial Windows
This is an experimental Firefox 57 download manager with multithreading support. It can download files with multiple connections to the server. Depending on the network condition, this may increase the download speed.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Firefox