Understand exactly how you spend your time and attention, with no data entry. Get Smarter with Effortless Time Tracking With no data entry, know exactly what software and sites you’re actively using.
Time Sink helps you track how you spend your time on your Mac. It automatically logs opened windows and applications, and keeps track of how long you've spent using...
time sink helps you track how you spend your time on your mac. it automatically logs opened windows and applications, and keeps track of how long you've spent using things in total (i.e. running), and in the foreground (i.e. actively using). it does this without any user intervention required to start or stop processes it's just setandforget easy!
you can view graphs showing your usage over time, sorted either by date and time (showing a logical view of your work habits), or by total and/or foreground time used, showing which apps and windows get most of your time. you can also create pools, which are groups of associated windows, to allow automatic tracking of activities put safari, firefox, and chrome in a browsers pool, for instance.
data can also be exported manually or automatically, for further analysis in a spreadsheet or database program.
time-management productivity-tool time-tracking automatic-time-tracking procrastination self-control monitoring self-improvement