Understand exactly how you spend your time and attention, with no data entry. Get Smarter with Effortless Time Tracking With no data entry, know exactly what software and sites you’re actively using.
Time Sink helps you track how you spend your time on your Mac. It automatically logs opened windows and applications, and keeps track of how long you've spent using...
time sink helps you track how you spend your time on your mac. it automatically logs opened windows and applications, and keeps track of how long you've spent using things in total (i.e. running), and in the foreground (i.e. actively using). it does this without any user intervention required to start or stop processes it's just setandforget easy!
you can view graphs showing your usage over time, sorted either by date and time (showing a logical view of your work habits), or by total and/or foreground time used, showing which apps and windows get most of your time. you can also create pools, which are groups of associated windows, to allow automatic tracking of activities put safari, firefox, and chrome in a browsers pool, for instance.
data can also be exported manually or automatically, for further analysis in a spreadsheet or database program.
time-management productivity-tool time-tracking automatic-time-tracking procrastination self-control monitoring self-improvement
Understand exactly how you spend your time and attention, with no data entry. Get Smarter with Effortless Time Tracking With no data entry, know exactly what software and sites you’re actively using.
Freemium Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Web
SelfControl is a free and open-source application for Mac OS X that lets you block your own access to distracting websites, your mail servers, or anything else on the Internet.
Free Open Source Mac OS X
StayFocusd is a productivity extension for Google Chrome that helps you stay focused on work by restricting the amount of time you can spend on time-wasting websites.
Free Web Chrome
Stop Procrastinating allows you to block the internet and cut online distraction. It has the highest quality features for the best price with the highest level of Software Quality Assurance.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows
Futuramo Time Tracker is a time tracking, work management and productivity app used by freelancers and businesses to track, analyze and manage work time more effectively. The advanced statistics provide great insights on daily work habits.
Freemium Web
If you find yourself constantly ending up on distracting websites, you know what a time sink your computer can be. Unfortunately, you can't just stop using your computer because you need it to be able to get work done.
Free Open Source Windows Linux
BrowseControl is an easy to use Internet management program that restricts inappropriate surfing and enforces Internet usage policies across your enterprise.
Commercial Windows
TopTracker enables team leads and individuals to effortlessly track progress with transparent and intuitive reports.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Web
It is very easy to fall into bad habits when using a computer for hours on end. You care about what you are doing, so can sometimes push yourself too far, or over-strain yourself.
Free Personal Windows