The Best 29 Time Out Alternatives
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Eyes Relax
It’s an utility that helps avoiding eyes-related problems when working at a computer for several hours. Concentrating your eyesight on a computer screen can cause an eye strain.
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EyeDefender is a freeware rest reminder designed to prevent Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) resulting from working on a computer for hours.
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Take a Five
Take a quick break from work while staying focused with the Take a Five Chrome extension. Take a Five is not an official product of TakeaFive.
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SmartBreak is a revolutionary ergonomics program that reminds you to look away from your computer screen and enforces you to take regular breaks based on your usage.
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Emanen Motomu
It is very easy to fall into bad habits when using a computer for hours on end. You care about what you are doing, so can sometimes push yourself too far, or over-strain yourself.