stretchly is cross-platform open source app that reminds you to take breaks when working with computer.
stretchly is crossplatform open source app that reminds you to take breaks when working with computer.
by default, it runs in your tray and shows reminder window every 10 minutes, that is open for 20 seconds, containing idea for microbreak.
every 30 minutes, it shows window containing idea for longer 5 minute break.
you can pause/resume reminding of breaks. on windows and macos, you can set app to start at login.
you can also skip to the next break or microbreak anytime from menu, or reset (restart) breaks.
microbreaks and breaks can be customized:
you can set duration and interval of break you can enable/disable breaks you can enable/disable strict mode (breaks can't be finished early) you can choose from different color schemes you can pick a sound to be played at the end of the break
all settings can be reset to defaults.
Customizable Fullscreen support
customizable reminder fullscreen-support break-reminder rsi exercise health repetitive-strain-injury occupational-diseases stretches breaks eye-rsi