More than just a wallet Yandex.Money is a simple service providing online payments. Pay for home utilities, transfer money to your relatives, or buy goods at online...
Ripple is a monetary system that makes simple obligations between friends as useful for making payments as regular money.
ripple is a monetary system that makes simple obligations between friends as useful for making payments as regular money.
normally, if your friend alice owed you $10, she would have to pay you back before you could make any use of that debt. if you were creative, however, you might be able to pass the debt on to someone else who knew and trusted alice, in exchange for something you wanted. for example, you might be able to get a book you want from bob, who also knows alice, in exchange for letting alice know that she now owes bob $10. instead of money, you used alice's iou to pay bob. alice acts as an intermediary between you and bob.
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More than just a wallet Yandex.Money is a simple service providing online payments. Pay for home utilities, transfer money to your relatives, or buy goods at online...
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Library Credits (aka. LBC) is the monetary currency of LBRY. This Bitcoin-like payment system is for content procuders and consumers to buy and monetize their workings.
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