The Best 9 Geconomicus Alternatives

  • Ripple

    Ripple is a monetary system that makes simple obligations between friends as useful for making payments as regular money.

    Free Open Source Web

  • Stellar

    Stellar is a decentralized protocol for sending and receiving money in any pair of currencies. This means users can, for example, send a transaction from their Yen balance and have it arrive in Euros, Yen, or even bitcoin.

    Free Open Source Web

  • Cardano

    Cardano is a decentralised public blockchain and cryptocurrency project and is fully open source. Cardano is developing a smart contract platform which seeks to deliver more advanced features than any protocol previously developed.

    Free Open Source Web

  • CureCoin

    CureCoin is a CryptoCurrency based on coupling SHA-256 Mining and Folding@Home Protein Folding.

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Web Folding@home

  • TheRTMForTheKids

    It is a presentation intended for children to understand the RTM (Relative Theory of Money), where the explanation follows the 6 petals of 12 flowers. This...

    Free Open Source Linux Web Self-Hosted Sozi

  • Coss

    COSS stands for Crypto-One-Stop-Solution and represents a platform with all features of a digital economical system based on cryptocurrency.

    Free Web