The Best 308 Remember The Milk Alternatives
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EssentialPIM lets you manage appointments, tasks, notes, contacts, password entries and email messages across multiple devices and cloud applications.
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Taskwarrior is an ambitious project bringing sophisticated capabilities to a simple and elegant productivity tool.
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The Hit List
Your life is complicated, but managing it doesnt need to be. The Hit List is a task manager that is simple to use, yet powerful enough for the most demanding workaholics.
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UV Outliner
UV Outliner is a small and powerful single-pane outliner. It is intended for creating, organizing, and collecting information.
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Skwish Project Management
Packed full of features, Skwish project management tool helps users quote work, manage tasks, projects, teams, schedules and feedback. When a task or project is complete simply mark it as done and the task will be ready to invoice a client.