Zonka Feedback
Zonka is an enterprise-grade, real-time feedback management platform that captures feedbacks offline, on-premises and over the web. It is a simple yet comprehensive feedback system.
Pubble is the world's best Q&A platform. We make it simple and easy to add a great Q&A platform to any blog, website or Facebook page.
pubble is the world's best q&a platform. we make it simple and easy to add a great q&a platform to any blog, website or facebook page.
we believe in making q&a fast and simple, but we have a vision around getting all of your pages to work together to make your site richer. whether people have a question on an iphone, android, your site or a blog, all of the questions come together to make the site richer and more interactive.
Official Website
Productivity Social Business and Commerce Education and Reference
helpdesk questions-and-answers addons qanda-platform