The Best 125 Launchy Alternatives

  • EasyFind

    Think Mac OS Xs Spotlight could use some help? Download EasyFind, an alternative to (or supplement of) Spotlight and find files, folders, or contents in any file without indexing.

    Free Mac OS X

  • FlashFolder

    FlashFolder is an open source tool that extends the file-related common dialogs (e.g. open/save dialog) seen in most Windows applications.

    Free Open Source Windows Windows Explorer

  • SlickRun

    SlickRun is a free floating command line utility for Windows. SlickRun gives almost instant access to any program or website. SlickRun allows you to create command aliases (known as MagicWords), so C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.

    Free Windows

  • Index Your Files

    Index Your Files allows you to search through all your files or folders on local or networked drives without remote admin rights (as necessary for the similar app "Everything").

    Free Windows Linux Wine

  • Portable Start Menu

    Portable Start Menu is a simple and free start menu application that can be installed on USB sticks or local PCs. Organize your programs in a simple menu system and launch them via a tray icon.

    Free Windows

  • UltraSearch

    UltraSearch searches files and folders on local NTFS drives and provides the results within just a few seconds.

    Free Windows

  • Quick Search Box

    Google Quick Search Box is an open source search box that allows you to search data on your computer and across the web.

    Free Open Source Mac OS X

  • Lacona

    Lacona is a docker app for Mac OSX that accepts natural language commands. Call up Lacona with a keyboard shortcut and type whatever you want to do. It gives intelligent suggestions as you type and then follows your orders.

    Freemium Mac OS X GitHub

  • Find Any File

    Find Any File is a program for Apple's Mac OS X that lets you search for files on your disks.

    Free Mac OS X

  • Phlo

    Phlo is the quickest way to search your favorite websites. Phlo can be summoned with a global hotkey and in a few keystrokes it lets you jump right to the search results of anything that you need to lookup on any site.

    Freemium Mac OS X iPhone iPad

  • mlocate

    Indexes filesystems allowing you to search for files.

    Free Open Source Linux

  • Ava Find

    Find Instantly Search without delay. Amazing Accuracy Sophisticated ranking shows what you want near the top. Find New Files Automatically Scout Bot finds newly downloaded files automatically.

    Freemium Windows

  • Scherlokk

    Scherlokk is a lightning fast file search utility build for precise and reliable search of every file which meets the search criteria. Music, pictures, bookmarks, documents, etc can be found quickly and easily.

    Commercial Mac OS X