"Everything" is an administrative tool that locates files and folders by filename instantly for Windows.
Indexes filesystems allowing you to search for files.
Indexes filesystems allowing you to search for files.
locate search-files
"Everything" is an administrative tool that locates files and folders by filename instantly for Windows.
Free Windows
File search utility that provides instant search by file name, and powerful search by file contents, size and date. Supports search inside PDF, Microsoft Office and other documents. Highlights found text in file names and contents.
Free Personal Windows
SwiftSearch is a lightweight program whose purpose is to help you quickly find the files you need on your Windows machine without ever requiring you to index your drives.
Free Open Source Windows
MasterSeeker is software to search and find files in your pc lightning fast.
Free Windows
The GNU Find Utilities are the basic directory searching utilities of the GNU operating system.
Free Open Source Linux
FileSearchEX is the no nonsense file search utility for Windows 7 and higher. It offers the simplified search interface like Windows XP yet in an updated and modern fashion.
Commercial Windows
Search INSIDE documents/files on your device like no other files manager/finder do. Featuring sub second, full text, Desktop Search in files content, and over apps names and description.
Free Android Android Tablet
This tool enables users to search their NTFS formatted harddrives within seconds. It uses the MFT (master file table) of NTFS to search for files very fast.
Free Open Source Windows
Replacement for Windows built-in search. Search files, folders and other data efficiently and easily.
Free Windows
Instant File Searcher Professional is a powerful search engine for files and folders stored on computer.
Free Windows
Find files fast across folders, drives, disks and machines and emails in MS Outlook, find duplicates. Attach labels, bookmarks and comments, automatic backup, synchronize, messaging. Tag Web pages while downloading.
Free Windows