Wunderlist helps millions of people around the world capture their ideas, things to do and places to see.
GTasks is a simple and efficient task management app with both local and google account modes. You can customize your to do list, set reminder, share tasks with your...
gtasks is a simple and efficient task management app with both local and google account modes. you can customize your to do list, set reminder, share tasks with your friends, family members or colleagues and sync with your google tasks perfectly. with it, you will never miss a task and focus more on real things. try now to see how this is done perfectly.** gtasks can now import tasks from astrid, give it a try! **** gtasks can now sync with http://ticktick.com , give it a try! **** widget doesn't work if gtasks was installed on sd card, please move it back and reboot your device. android os doesn't support that!!! **features:0. ics(android 4.0) style with bulk indent/move/set due date/delete and so on1. rich gtask (google task) client, simple todo list, checklist, note/notes pad tool.2. synchronize with multiple google accounts automatically, also support local mode. customize sync mode: auto sync,manual sync or sync when open/exit/background sync3. batch add tasks 4. scroll horizontally to switch between tasks/tasklist.5. order your tasks by due date/name/create time/priority6. rearrange your tasks easily by dragging them7. view your tasks on google calendar8. indent, unindent, share, move easily9. repeat reminder enable, set reminder onetime/daily/weekly/monthly... and so on10. quick add task by pressing the search key11. quick add task via ‘note to self’ with google now 11. quick search task with autocomplete12. widgets (scrolling in launcherpro/adwlauncher/go launcher)
Productivity Business and Commerce
Wunderlist helps millions of people around the world capture their ideas, things to do and places to see.
Freemium Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone Chrome OS Web Blackberry Windows RT
Take your tasks anywhere with this feature-packed application. See tasks located nearby, add and complete tasks on the go, organize upcoming tasks, and sync it all seamlessly with Remember The Milk.
Freemium Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web Blackberry 10
Todoist is a task manager thats useful, fast and easy to use. Accomplish more, every day. Millions of people rely on Todoist to get things done. Todoist lets you manage your tasks anywhere. At home. At school. At work. Online.
Freemium Windows Android iPhone Android Tablet Chrome OS Web Mac Windows Phone
Tasks adds a to-do list to Gmail. After adding the lab, click the Tasks link above the chat box on the left-hand-side of the page. Your task list will appear on the right – click anywhere in the list and start typing to add a task.
Free Chrome OS Web Gmail
Task Coach is a simple open source todo manager to keep track of personal tasks and todo lists. It is designed for composite tasks, and also offers effort tracking, categories, notes and more.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Android iPhone BSD iPad
MyLifeOrganized (MLO) is a personal task outliner and to-do list manager which will help you to organize your goals, projects and tasks into a tree. The To-Do list with actions that require immediate attention will be generated.
Freemium Windows Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Apple Watch
Notational Velocity is a mouseless application for storing and retrieving notes. With Notational Velocity, searching for notes is not a separate action; rather, it is the primary interface.
Free Open Source Mac OS X
Opensource task & productivity management tool for startups, engineered based on the concepts of OKR. In fluxday, you can start by creating the departments of your organization and adding the teams in each department.
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EssentialPIM lets you manage appointments, tasks, notes, contacts, password entries and email messages across multiple devices and cloud applications.
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