Foursquare is all about helping you find new ways to explore your city. Our tastes are different, so why should we get the same search results? The new Foursquare learns what you like and leads you to places you’ll love.
A social network specialized in gossip, confession, rumor and more! 2gossip is new way to share! You have 2 options to post.
a social network specialized in gossip, confession, rumor and more!2gossip is new way to share! you have 2 options to post. you can post from your profile or send as anonym! send as anonym button is completely anonymous! your followers can see your anonym post in their home screen if they follow 10 profile. so they follow up what you send as anonym! you can see some of nearby anonym post at your home page even if you don’t follow! and read nearby gossips even not follow from nearby gossips menu. so, see profiles around you! and comment their posts! you can follow as anonymously! we call it “listen”. so your followings stay in stealth! they don’t have yo know! 2gossip is location based. you have to a your place for your post. you can choose your favorite places and keep in “my favorite places”. and you can see popular places! now, places will be more fun.
Official Website
Discontinued social-network location-based
Foursquare is all about helping you find new ways to explore your city. Our tastes are different, so why should we get the same search results? The new Foursquare learns what you like and leads you to places you’ll love.
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