Craigslist is a centralized network of online communities, featuring free online classified advertisements – with sections devoted to jobs, housing, personals, for sale, services, community, gigs, résumés, and discussion forums.
Platform where you can search, propose, take part, help organize or publish workshops, lectures, discussions, etc... Easy to use and powerful.
openki is an interactive webplatform with the ambition to facilitate a barrierfree access to education for everyone.
the webplatform is a simple opensource tool for local, selforganized knowledge exchange: as the foundation for mediating noncommercial education opportunities, as the interface between people who embrace themselves for similar subjects and as an instrument, which simplifies the organization of a “peertopeer” sharing of knowledge. the platform makes all processes possible from the selection of topics and the organization and execution of courses up to the documentation of the learning material.
Official Website
Real time collaboration Location based
Productivity Social Education and Reference Travel and Location
online-collaboration real-time-collaboration calendar events organizer educational social-network location-based learning-management-system study meetup event-registration self-organization