Better Pop Up Blocker
Better Pop Up Blocker improves the default pop up blockers for Google Chrome and Apple Safari by blocking pop up windows opened by javascript, & other annoyances like alert, prompt, and confirm boxes.
The problem with other ad-blockers for Safari is that they are implemented as awful hacks: as an InputManager and/or ApplicationEnhancer.
the problem with other adblockers for safari is that they are implemented as awful hacks: as an inputmanager and/or applicationenhancer. this compromises the stability of safari and very often create problems when apple releases a new version of safari. snow leopard doesnt support the inputmanagerbased blockers when safari runs in 64bit mode.
glimmerblocker is implemented as an http proxy, so the stability of safari isnt compromised because it doesnt use any hacks. it is even compatible with all other browsers and other native mac os x applications which uses http, e.g. netnewswire.
Discontinued safari-extension ad-blocking
Better Pop Up Blocker improves the default pop up blockers for Google Chrome and Apple Safari by blocking pop up windows opened by javascript, & other annoyances like alert, prompt, and confirm boxes.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome
AdBlocker Ultimate is a cross-browser ad-blocker. FEATURES - Completely free - Block ALL ads - no whitelisted ads/websites - Block tracking and malware domains
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Chrome Safari Opera Microsoft Edge GitHub Yandex.Browser
this is an addon for tint browser. this is an addon based on the now defunct adsweep script. it works by injecting a piece of javascript after a page has finished loading. the javascript then removes ads.
Free Open Source Android Tint Browser
Quero AdBlock IE XML is an InPrivate Filtering XML-based Ad Blocker for Internet Explorer 8 and Quero AdBlock IE TPL is an ad blocking Tracking Protection List (TPL) for Internet Explorer 9. Both are based on the Adblock Plus EasyList.
Free Windows Internet Explorer
Block ads on the right side of the screen when using Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail and Outlook.com which expand your message space .
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Safari AdBlocker is the only 64-bit ad blocker built for Mac OS X 10.5+ to integrate directly into Safari, for minimum disruption to your browsing experience.
Free Open Source Mac OS X
Features: - deleting widgets of social networks - users anonymity is increased (deleting counters and analytics systems) - blocking 3rd party cookies - notifications for members regarding malware extensions - opportunity to send...
Free Windows Chrome Opera Yandex.Browser
Formerly a commercial product, Yahoo! donated it to the Apache Foundation, and it is now an Apache TLP. Caching Improve your response time, while reducing server...
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Get rid of ads, earn extra funds and optionally tip your favorite sites. Tips are anonymized and can be as small as 1 cent! Cyceam removes ads except those which pay...
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Chrome
Blocks all Ads (banners, popups, teasers) in Safari browser for iOS devices: iPhone, iPad, iPod.
Free iPhone iPad