For those who have not yet been introduced, meet the Proxomitron: a free, highly flexible, user-configurable, small but very powerful, local HTTP web-filtering proxy.
lusca is a fork of the squid -2 development tree.
lusca is a fork of the squid 2 development tree. the lusca project aims to fix the shortcomings in the squid2 codebase whilst maintaining the the squid2 functionality and stability.
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For those who have not yet been introduced, meet the Proxomitron: a free, highly flexible, user-configurable, small but very powerful, local HTTP web-filtering proxy.
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The problem with other ad-blockers for Safari is that they are implemented as awful hacks: as an InputManager and/or ApplicationEnhancer.
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Acrylic is a local DNS proxy which improves the performance of your computer by caching the responses coming from your DNS servers.
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Http, Ftp, Gopher und Https Proxy. Mit Http- Email Server und Real Player Proxy. The JanaServer 2 is amongst other things a proxy server, that makes it possible for...
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