UseResponse is a fully customizable, customer feedback software and support ticketing system with open code that you can place on your server or use in cloud.
Let customers openly suggest and upvote improvements. Choose where to spend your resources.
create your feature upvote page in 2 minutes and allow your customers to openly or privately (if you want you can restrict suggestions, comments, and voting to authenticated users) suggest features they want you see in your product.
feature upvote is affordable, mobilefriendly and allows custom domain, branding, custom favicon, export tools, moderation tools, etc.
straightforward, customizable, multilanguage, affordable. offers 30day trial (no credit card required).
see which improvements are the ones that customers most want. know where to spend your limited resources and at the same time reduce the load of support.
completed suggestions are marked as "done". customers observe that you listen and respond. they're happy and spread the word about how great your product is.
Official Website
Customizable Multiple languages Custom domain Optimized for Mobile
Productivity Games Business and Commerce
customizable multi-language software-as-a-service custom-domain customer-feedback mobile-optimized voting-feature
UseResponse is a fully customizable, customer feedback software and support ticketing system with open code that you can place on your server or use in cloud.
Commercial Web Self-Hosted
User or customer feedback system with voting facility about proposals done by users. Similar function as the UserVoice system.
Commercial Web
UserReport is a free online service that enables website owners to make quick and fun online surveys and collect user feedback with the online feedback button and forum.
Free Web
Tender Support organizes your customer care so you can focus on delivering the best service possible. We collect all your support requests and funnel them into your Tender site. From email, from the web, and from anywhere you can dream.
Commercial Web
Audience engagement tool for crowdsourced Q&As, polls, and surveys. Built for mobile, works on all web-based interfaces. Perfect for enterprises and companies as a backchannel for their town halls, all-hands meetings and conferences.
Freemium Android iPhone iPad Web Blackberry 10
Feedback Lite is the easiest way to gain valuable insights into what your customers are really thinking. With Feedback Lite, you can: 1.
Commercial Android iPhone iPad Web Windows Mobile
Easily gather in-app user feedback, on websites, iOS apps, and Android apps. Doorbell integrates with your favourite project management systems, so you can easily create tasks in them based on user feedback.
Freemium Android iPhone Web
OpenTraits is a web platform that helps software developers and end users prioritize and plan product features based on votes, crowd funding and reputation.
Freemium Web
SatisMeter helps users (SaaS) get more useful feedback straight from their web apps using Net Promoter System.
Commercial Web