Sendfiles2.me allows people to get files from others. You create your own upload page and share it with your friends and colleagues.
Sendfiles2.me allows people to get files from others. You create your own upload page and share it with your friends and colleagues.
Formally Appscene, Filedude is a fast-growing filesharing website that mainly hosts .ipa files (cracked iPhone apps). Downloads require CAPTCHA recognition. Premium members users can bypass CAPTCHA and download at higher speeds.
digitalbucket.net provides a web interface that can be used to store and retrieve data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. It gives any user highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage platform.
Centrium is a user-friendly and flexible CRM. Manage contacts, store history and files.Track deals and tasks. Check out smart notifications, comments and easy to use permissions.
A free cloud sending platform that allows sending up to 2 Gbs and 200 files to emails or via links. Encrypting files and auto destruction are available for users to customize for free and without having an account.
Get mobile access to any of your files on any device. TappIn elegantly solves a real problem that millions have today—how to easily and securely access or share our pictures, documents, videos and music anytime, anywhere to anyone.
aDownloader is a native bit torrent (bittorrent/P2P) downloader for Android devices. You may search online torrent and or add torrent from local sdcard. aDownloader is also a http downloader that supports break-resume.
Blackcoin is a scrypt based coin launched on February 24th. It boasts 10 second transaction times (very fast), and unlike most other coins, can't be mined anymore.
Balboa is a simple, fast, and uniquely secure collaboration app that encrypts your data before it leaves your computer so only you and your recipients can ever read it. End-to-end encrypted voice, video, messages, and files.
iTransmission is a native BitTorrent client for jailbroken iPhones, iPods, and iPads that uses libtransmission as its backend. Currently it supports: -Adding torrents from either URL or magnet URL. -Transmission’s web interface.
FileZ is an application that provides a Website to upload and share large files through a web interface and unique URLs, like Megaupload or YouSendIt.
WebSharing enables you to wirelessly transfer files to and from your phone/device using a web browser. You can play and manage music, view your photographs, and manage files on your device using your WI-FI network.
Putdrive downloads Torrents for you superfast and anonymous and stores them in your drive! You don’t come across File Hosters, Trackers or Peers. Your details stay unknown and cannot be seen anywhere.
Simple website that can be used to anonymously upload files up to 1 GB. Download is unrestricted. Do not upload illegal materials though.
Home to appMobi XDK the world’s first cloud-powered mobile application development environment.
FramaKey is a package of portable and ready-to-use Free Software that can be carried on a USB key designed to make the user’s life much easier. It aims to offer the best Free Software, ready to use directly from a USB key.
Monitor network applications, personal firewall, trace whois, network speed limiter. NetPeeker is a network tool set that combines the functionality of traffic monitoring with the blocking features of a personal firewall.
Freecorder makes it easy to save video and audio from the web, and convert to many popular formats.
On the fly File Transfer. Jetbytes is an experimental file transfer service which works without storing files during the transfer and allows to download it immediately.