Download Shuttle
Download Shuttle is a blisteringly fast download manager and accelerator for Mac. It allows you to download multiple files at a faster speed that your web browser & has support for password protected files.
Download Shuttle is a blisteringly fast download manager and accelerator for Mac. It allows you to download multiple files at a faster speed that your web browser & has support for password protected files.
Karagarga is a retro tracker which specializes in older media content, primarily classic film industry, foreign, art, indie, alternative, rare, and generally non-mainstream productions by what is indisputably the most famous.
Orbweb.ME turns your PC into a personal cloud that supports video and music streaming, photo viewing, documents previewing and editing and file transferring to your mobile devices.
Email It In gives you a personal email address which you can send attachments to. Those attachments instantly end up in your Google Drive, Egnyte, Dropbox, or OneDrive account.
file2send helps you to deal with big files you want to send via e-mail. Using our free service you can save bandwith and time!
ProtonShare allows you to share files up to 2GB with your friends & family. Using ProtonShare is anonymous and requires no registration as well! Simply drag and drop your files into the upload manager and let the sharing begin!.
IO Road (ioroad.com) is a file transfer service for professionals. This means the service is NOT supported by ads. It also has a unique pricing model in this market: Pay As You Go.
A single software tool that can help you manage, organize & maximize your day to day business tasks. Includes Project Management, Invoicing, CRM, Client Portals, File Sharing, Integrated Chat & much more.
WiFi File Transfer is a light-weight web server that lets you upload and download files to/from your phone over a wireless connection. Transfer files without a USB cable.
With pCloud Transfer you can send large files to anyone, no registration needed! Up to 5Gb per transfer.
ShareOnWifi is a peer-to-peer file sharing app. No USB, No Bluetooth, No NFC, No Internet needed to share or transfer music, videos, photos, documents, etc.
Emoty is a messaging application with emphasis on simplicity, freedom and safety. It's a client for RetroShare network, hence use the same decentralized, Friend-to-Friend network structure with end-to-end encryprtion.
Phex is a peer-to-peer file sharing client for the Gnutella network. It is free software and without spyware or adware. Phex is released under the GNU General Public License.
Tornado is a torrent search engine that indexes all most popular torrent sites and allows torrent search in all categories. The site gives possibility to find millions of indexed torrents in fast, simple and convenient way.
xFiles lets you exchange big files with anyone via an on demand p2p direct connection for free! Your file goes straight from your pc to the destination pc without uploading to a server.
Photos and albums transfer between all smartphones brands and/or PCs as well. Inslideshow is an universal "AirDrop" working between all smart-phones brands and PC. You no longer will suffer with complicated synchronizations.
Everchat is a messaging and file sharing platform for modern teams. Share and discuss in real-time what matters the most by working smarter, together and from anywhere.
Conbrio is a simple and secure file transfer service and the only one capable of simultaneous sender upload and receiver download, resulting in a time savings of up to 50%.