Download YouTube video and music in seconds. It’s fast, easy, and free. Download YouTube videos in MP3 format with SnapTube’s killer music download feature. Save time and space on your phone.
Download YouTube video and music in seconds. It’s fast, easy, and free. Download YouTube videos in MP3 format with SnapTube’s killer music download feature. Save time and space on your phone.
ICQ is one of the oldest instant messengers. First developed by the Israeli company Mirabilis, sold to AOL, sold again and currenly owned by the Russian "mail.ru" group (known for one of the largest social networks).
An app that makes it easy to manage, access, and share all of your files from one place. Integration into over 20 services, full desktop sync, placeholder files, a robust web client, and advanced sharing capabilities. .
The power of Google on your desktop. Hit ctrl twice and you are ready for a full Google search of you hard drive and networked drives you may have. Indispensable if you need to find files quickly...
It's free app, which can combine cloud drives for Dropbox, Box, Google Docs, SkyDrive, SugarSync, FTP, etc, so that you can merge them together and centralize management.
ExifTool is a platform-independent Perl library plus a command-line application for reading, writing and editing meta information in a wide variety of files.
winff is a gui frontend and batch parser for the command-line multimedia tool ffmpeg. winff works by making a batch file that runs in the command-line, designed to launch the command-line tool with given settings from a preset.
Docear is a unique solution to academic literature management, which helps you organizing, creating, and discovering academic literature. The 3 most distinct features are: 1.
The world's best file compressor in the world. Start saving your time with the world's #1 compression software. Zip, protect, manage and share all your files quickly and easily.
SuperCopier replaces Windows explorer file copy and adds many features: Transfer resuming, transfer speed control, transfer speed computation, better transfer progress display, faster transfers, copy list editable while transferring.
The ASTRO File Manager helps you get the most out of your Android smart phone. It allows you to manage files on your phone without the need for a computer.
vBoxxCloud makes collaboration and file sharing easy and keeps your information private in the Netherlands or on-premises.
TuneUp makes your music fresh and clean! TuneUp digitally "listens" to your music to fix mislabeled song information ("Track01", "Unknown Artist") and fills in missing album artwork.
xtrafinder add tabs and extra features to the finder. • tabs. • dual panel & dual window. • arrange folders on top. • cut & paste. • global hotkeys.
CubicExplorer is a file manager which is aimed to replace Windows Explorer. It’s goal is to be easy and pleasant to use but still have enough power for more advanced usage. Its key features are tabs and bookmarks.
Batch rename files and folders in a snap. Perfect for any kind of file renaming including music and photo files. Preview your files before renaming and undo erroneous renaming jobs.
Remote Desktop Manager lets you centralize all your remote connections, passwords and credentials into a unique platform that can be securely shared between users.