EagleGet is a free all-in-one download manager; it can be integrated to Chrome, IE, Firefox, Opera, offering support for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, MMS and RTSP protocol as well as popular online video websites.
EagleGet is a free all-in-one download manager; it can be integrated to Chrome, IE, Firefox, Opera, offering support for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, MMS and RTSP protocol as well as popular online video websites.
Locate32 is software which can be used to find files from your harddrives and other locations. It works like updatedb and locate commands in Unix based systems.
Advanced twin panel (commander style) file manager for KDE and other desktops in the *nix world, similar to Midnight or Total Commander.
DocFetcher is a portable German/English open source desktop search application. It allows you search the contents of documents on your computer. - You can think of it as Google for your local document repository.
FastCopy is the fastest copy, delete, & sync software on Windows. It uses modern checksum verification to ensure copy accuracy and data integrity.
filezilla server, sister product to filezilla client, is an ftp server that supports ftp and ftp over ssl/tls. ftp over ssl/tls provides secure encrypted connections to the server.
File Roller is the archive manager of the GNOME desktop environment. It can extract, view, create and modify archives. File Roller is only a graphical interface to archiving utilities such as tar and zip.
Text expander, start menu, shortcuts, auto complete, mouse gestures, macro recorder, clipboard manager and more.
The SME Enterprise File Share and Sync Solution provides a comprehensive control and management solution to enable secure cloud collaboration across data points for corporations.
Volafile.org offers real time filesharing and fast downloads without delays or annoying countdowns. Users can share files in rooms, each with a chat and a filelist.
SimpleScreenRecorder is a Linux screen recorder that supports X11 and OpenGL. It is easy to use, feature-rich, and has a Qt-based graphical user interface.
Multi Commander has a lot of file manager features. This list It is not even close to complete. There are so many features and tweaks in Multi Commander that not everything can be listed here.
FreeNAS is a free NAS (Network-Attached Storage) server, supporting: CIFS (samba), FTP, NFS, AFP, RSYNC, iSCSI protocols, S.M.A.R.T., local user authentication, Software RAID (0,1,5) with a Full WEB configuration interface.
Funnel all logs, metrics and machine events into a single hub. Build dynamic analyses and identify improvements for your software, your user experience and your business. Get set in 5 minutes! .
Link Shell Extension (LSE) provides for the creation of Hardlinks , Junctions , Volume Mountpoints , and Vistas Symbolic Links, (herein referred to collectively as Links) and a Folder Cloning process that utilizes Hardlinks or Symbolic...
Keka is a free file archiver for Mac OS X Compression formats supported: 7z, Zip, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, DMG, ISO Extraction formats supported: RAR, 7z, Lzma, xz, Zip, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, ISO, EXE, CAB, PAX
"Dual pane file manager and SFTP/FTP client for Mac OS X ForkLift is designed to be the fastest, most powerful file manager for the Mac.
TotalFinder brings tabs to your native Finder and more! Other features include dual-panel mode and showing folders before files.
iFile is an advanced file manager for jailbroken iOS devices. Running under the user root, it allows for fast navigation of the iPhone file system. You can directly access and view any file of any type on your device.