Easy Web Authoring! KompoZer is a complete web authoring system that combines web file management and easy-to-use WYSIWYG web page editing.
Easy Web Authoring! KompoZer is a complete web authoring system that combines web file management and easy-to-use WYSIWYG web page editing.
Task Coach is a simple open source todo manager to keep track of personal tasks and todo lists. It is designed for composite tasks, and also offers effort tracking, categories, notes and more.
Nimbuzz offers limited availablility free calls and limited availability free text messaging for users via 3G and WiFi. Calls to other Nimbuzz users are free. PAY to call mobile or landline phones for as little as $0.
Online personal finance website. Think of CountAbout as your Quicken or Mint alternative.
OmniFocus is designed to quickly capture your thoughts and ideas to store, manage, and help you process them into actionable to-do items.
Freedcamp is an alternative to Basecamp that has some free features, while some basic functionality is provided via purchased upgrades.
VNC is remote access and control software which allows you to view and fully interact with one computer desktop (the "VNC Connect") using a simple program (the "VNC viewer") on another computer desktop or mobile device...
Easy to start, easy to join and with no downloads for viewers, connecting for external presentations, sales demos, and ad hoc get-togethers means you get work done and get on with it.
Toggl’s time tracker is built for speed and ease of use. Time keeping with Toggl is so simple that you’ll actually use it. Toggl drives a stake in the heart of timesheets. ONE-CLICK TIME TRACKING.
VK is a social network that unites people all over the world and helps them communicate comfortably and promptly.
Habitica is a free habit building and productivity app that treats your real life like a game. .
MediaWiki is a free software wiki package written in PHP, originally for use on Wikipedia.
GoodDay is a project, product and work management platform that gives teams the best tools for planning, day-to-day work, and continuous improvement of all processes based on transparency, accountability, agility, and recognition.
Zulip is a group chat app. Its most distinctive characteristic is that messages are threaded by topic, helping you have long-running, organized conversations.
MindMeister is the market-leader in online mind mapping. Unlike traditional mind mapping tools, MindMeister allows for real-time brainstorming sessions between an unlimited number of users and requires only a standard web browser.
Software Informer is a programme, whose primary aim is to give you the up-to-date information about the software you actually use.
Softpedia is a website that indexes information and provides primarily software information and downloads. Its main sections are Windows, Mac, Mac PPC, Linux, Games, Handheld (mobile software), Drivers, Mobile, Webscripts, and News.
Flattr is a social micropayment service, that makes it easy for you to "flatter" things on the internet that you like. When you're registered to Flattr, you pay a small monthly fee of your own choosing.
Chat everywhere! IM+ is the most widely used mobile IM app! Connect all-in-one to MSN, Yahoo!, Google Talk, AIM, Jabber, ICQ, Facebook, MySpace and Twitter on ALL popular mobile platforms.