Open Source, full featured project management platform for startups and agile developers & designers.
Open Source, full featured project management platform for startups and agile developers & designers.
Amazon is an online shopping website with a massive selection of books, electronics, music, Android apps, software, home appliances, furniture, toys, clothing, and much more.
Team Clerk is task management software that automatically keeps your team organized and monitors progress of all of your projects. Let Team Clerk organize what you do, so you can focus on why you do it.
Stack Exchange is a fast-growing network of 84 [and counting] question and answer sites on diverse topics from software programming to cooking to photography and gaming.
UltraVNC is a powerful, easy to use and free software that can display the screen of another computer (via internet or network) on your own screen. The program allows you to use your mouse and keyboard to control the other PC remotely.
ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors is an open-source office suite that combines text, spreadsheet and presentation editors, distributed under AGPL license v3.
MailChimp is the world’s largest marketing automation company, making it easy to reach your customers and grow your business.
TightVNC is a free remote control software package. With TightVNC, you can see the desktop of a remote machine and control it with your local mouse and keyboard, just like you would do it sitting in the front of that computer.
Barcode Scanner. Scan barcodes on CDs, books, and other products, then look up prices and reviews, or search for a word in a book and find where it occurs. You can also scan QR Codes containing URLs, contact info, calendar events, and more.
List-making software with infinite levels of indentation, giving you the flexibility of infinite layers of organization.
Enterprise eCommerce solution at a small business price that will completely automate your online business.
Tasks adds a to-do list to Gmail. After adding the lab, click the Tasks link above the chat box on the left-hand-side of the page. Your task list will appear on the right – click anywhere in the list and start typing to add a task.
Scrivener is a word processor and project management tool created specifically for writers of long texts such as novels and research papers.
Facebook Messenger is a faster way to message. Reach friends right on their phones, get and send messages fast, message everyone at once and more.
Basecamp is a web-based project collaboration tool that allows groups of people to share files, meet deadlines, assign tasks, and centralize feedback.
SpeedCrunch is a free, fast, high precision open source algebraic calculator with an intuitive interface and a extensive list of features, including: Unlimited Variables, Syntax Highlighting, Functions, with...
Trusted by 11,000+ businesses, JIRA is the leading bug tracking, issue tracking and project management tool.
freeplane is a powerful and free software for building mind maps. it is a redesigned version of the well known freemind , and is created by one of freemind's key developers.
International linguistic marketplace for freelancers working as translators, copywriters, tutors and guides and knowing different foreign languages.