FeedRoller is a lightweight RSS feed ticker. It is designed to show scrolling headlines from your favorite news sites and blogs, directly on your desktop. Features Supports RSS, and Atom feed format.
read all of the latest news from your feedbin account while on the move. bulletin allows you to carry up to 1,000 unread items on your device, in addition to all of your starred items and notes.
read all of the latest news from your feedbin account while on the move. bulletin allows you to carry up to 1,000 unread items on your device, in addition to all of your starred items and notes. simplified offline browsing allows you to keep up with your feeds even while in an area without an internet connection.
features: two way syncing with feedbin view up to 1,000 unread items on your device view starred items, notes and items shared by people you follow star, share and like items individually from the detail view create and share notes, either by themselves or linked to a news item simple offline browsing (no images) for viewing in areas without internet access syncs offline browsing activities, including starring, sharing and liking during first refresh following internet availability built in web browser to view original links without having to leave the app display others that have liked the same items share links via twitter, facebook, tumblr and email send links to instapaper and read it later
Integrated Web Browser Pocket integration Offline Reading
Productivity Social Books News
integrated-web-browser rss-feed-reader feed-reader share-news pocket-integration instapaper offline-reading feedbin-client
FeedRoller is a lightweight RSS feed ticker. It is designed to show scrolling headlines from your favorite news sites and blogs, directly on your desktop. Features Supports RSS, and Atom feed format.
Free Windows
Yomu is the RSS reader born to the concept "which looks through all the reports single hand". In the list screen which carried out the form of the palette, a site can be crossed and a report can be read.
Free iPhone iPad
Sniptracker is a dashboard allowing you to track content from other websites. Unlike feed readers we allow you to choose the content from almost anywhere.
Freemium Web
RSS Bandit is a standalone reader that has many attractive features, allowing a user to merge news headlines from multiple sources onto a single page, and organize articles based on keyword, read/unread status, and date.
Free Open Source Windows
Fresh Reader is a web-based, server type RSS and Atom feed reader. You can download and install it into your server or PC, just extract the downloaded file to the folder where your web server can get access.
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