KrISS feed
KrISS feed is a simple and smart (or stupid) feed reader. To see an online example: http://tontof.net/feed Feel free to contribute: https://github.com/tontof/kriss_feed
read all of the latest news from your feedbin account while on the move. bulletin allows you to carry up to 1,000 unread items on your device, in addition to all of your starred items and notes.
read all of the latest news from your feedbin account while on the move. bulletin allows you to carry up to 1,000 unread items on your device, in addition to all of your starred items and notes. simplified offline browsing allows you to keep up with your feeds even while in an area without an internet connection.
features: two way syncing with feedbin view up to 1,000 unread items on your device view starred items, notes and items shared by people you follow star, share and like items individually from the detail view create and share notes, either by themselves or linked to a news item simple offline browsing (no images) for viewing in areas without internet access syncs offline browsing activities, including starring, sharing and liking during first refresh following internet availability built in web browser to view original links without having to leave the app display others that have liked the same items share links via twitter, facebook, tumblr and email send links to instapaper and read it later
Integrated Web Browser Pocket integration Offline Reading
Productivity Social Books News
integrated-web-browser rss-feed-reader feed-reader share-news pocket-integration instapaper offline-reading feedbin-client
KrISS feed is a simple and smart (or stupid) feed reader. To see an online example: http://tontof.net/feed Feel free to contribute: https://github.com/tontof/kriss_feed
Free Open Source Self-Hosted
compatible with news filter definition in google alerts : send the feed-url from desktop-pc per e-mail to your blackberry.
Free Blackberry PlayBook
Many of the Google products and services you know and love for your computer are also available for your mobile device.
Free Android iPhone iPad Web Windows Mobile Java Mobile
RSS Desktop Aggregator is a work in progress C# 4.0 productivity and time saver app that read and display RSS feeds and Outlook Items. Some of Desktop Aggregator Features are: •Manually/Automatically refresh modes.
Free Open Source Windows
Online RSS Aggregator / Feed Reader with article filtering, programmatic editing, full-text search. Supports OpenID Logins.
Free Web
The best feature of FeedR is built-in Feed Search. There is no need to use the Browser and copy / paste or type in long URLs. Simply enter the name of the site or any search key words and be on your way reading your feeds.
Commercial Android