The Best 32 Alternatives
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SSuite NoteBook Editor
SSuite NoteBook Editor is a free portable text editor that has all the functionality to start you on writing that important novel, short-story or article, with enough...
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Outline 4D
Outline 4D is an outlining and writing program that lets you brainstorm, create, structure and organize your ideas. In addition to a traditional vertical single-pane...
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A Novel Idea
A Novel Idea is a tool for plotting your story and recording bursts of inspiration. Use its simple interface to create your characters, locations, scenes, and novels and...
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Worst Draft
Worst Draft is a Java-based, minimalist word processor that removes access to the two biggest roadblocks for writers: editing & distractions.
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Paragraphs is an app just for writers. It was built for one thing and one thing only: writing. It gives you everything you need to create brilliant prose and does away...
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Rough Draft
Rough Draft is like writing with pen and paper, so you can't delete words, only cross them out.