The Best 12 Foboko Alternatives

  • Ghost icon


    Ghost is a fully open source, hackable platform for building and running a modern online publication. We power blogs, magazines and journalists from Zappos to Sky News.

    Commercial Open Source

  • Wattpad

    Wattpad is now the worlds most popular ebook community where readers and writers discover, share and connect. Delivering billions of pages from our library, Wattpad is one of the worlds largest collection of originally-created ebooks.

    Free Android iPhone iPad Web Blackberry Windows Phone Java Mobile S60

  • Penana

    Penana is a cross-platform mobile app for everyone to discover and publish stories in a social and collaborative way. We are the "YouTube of Stories and Writing Contests.".

    Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web Blackberry Windows RT

  • LitHive

    Place to publish, publicize, and talk about books with both readers and other publishing professionals.

    Freemium Web


    Helps writers become authors. BlankPage is a full writing environment with a minimalist text editor, a powerful outlining tool, and social features all centered around...

    Commercial Web

  • WatStory

    Multilingual platform and community for writing, blogging, journalism and reading in any language. Writers can test idea, write across genres, build a following. Readers...

    Free Personal Web

  • Taleship

    Taleship is an application that enables friends to write collaboratively, taking turns, like a game. It makes writing fun, exciting, and less lonely. Taleship is the...

    Free Web

  • ApPHP MicroBlog

    Lightweight, simple and very easy-to-use personal blog script. It provides all essential blog features including categories, archives and comments.


  • PublishMonster

    Publish unlimited ebooks into the biggest stores keeping 100% of your royalties, for a low yearly fixed price ($19.90).


  • SmashWords

    Affordable formatting for inclusion in Premium Catalog for SmashWords and Kindle Direct Publishing. A service for formatting public domain titles is also available.

    Freemium Web