Process Explorer
Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded.
Mac OS X System Monitor and Process Explorer Tool atMonitor is the most advanced monitoring tool for Mac OS X that displays system activity in real-time.
Productivity Utilities System and Hardware
Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded.
Free Windows
Process Hacker is a feature-packed tool for manipulating processes and services on your computer. A free and open source process viewer with powerful process termination and memory searching/editing capabilities.
Free Open Source Windows
Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity.
Free Windows
System Explorer is an enhanced Taskmanager that provides detailed information about running processes, startup programs, IE add-ons (BHOs), drivers, services network connections, system resources and more.
Free Windows
Windows Task Manager is a task manager application included with Microsoft Windows NT family of operating systems that provides detailed information about computer performance and running applications, processes and CPU usage, commit...
Free Windows
System Monitor is a tool to manage running processes and monitor system resources.
Free Open Source Linux BSD GNOME
Resource Monitor is a system application in Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is used to view information about the use of hardware (CPU, memory, disk, and network) and software (file handles and modules) resources in real time.
Free Windows
Activity Monitor displays information about all the processes running on your Mac, including CPU, disk, memory, and network usage.
Free Mac OS X
KillSwitch is an advanced system monitoring tool that is apart of Comodo Cleaning Essentials (CCE) it allows users to identify, monitor and stop potentially unsafe processes that are running on endpoint systems.
Free Windows
Python System Monitor (Psymon) is a cross-platform, task and performance monitor. Features: Global processes monitoring. System load history (cpu,memory,network and disks). Disks informations. Network connections.
Free Open Source Windows Linux
Magican Lite is a free system monitor utility. It could help users monitor CPU and memory usage, watch on download and upload speed and detect temperature of CPU and GPU from the tiny and flexible floating window.
Free Mac OS X