The Best 27 Amazon Cloud Player Alternatives

  • SongRepo

    Unlimited free mp3 downloads, streaming music/radio and lyrics for PC, tablet and smartphone.

    Free Web

  • Freemake Music Box

    Freemake Music Box is a new music app that gives you free access to millions of songs online. Regardless of your location, you can search, play and organize online music free and easily.

    Free Windows iPhone

  • My Cloud Player

    a new online audio player powered by soundcloud , playlist creator, search engine and much more. scrobbling to no installation required.

    Free Android Android Tablet Web

  • Napster

    Napster is the ultimate digital music service, offering MP3 downloads and unlimited on-demand streaming. Enjoy any track in Napster.s multi-million-song library and discover new music through personalized recommendation tools.

    Commercial Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web Windows RT Windows Phone

  • Earbits

    Earbits is an online radio platform designed to make it dead simple for artists and music lovers to find each other, and create meaningful connections. There are no ads, commercials, or fees.

    Free Mac OS X Windows Android Chrome OS Web

  • Amazon Music

    amazon music is an online music store and music locker operated by amazon .

    Freemium Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web Kindle Fire

  • 7Digital

    7digital's web store lets you browse, preview, purchase, and download music from a catalogue of over 18 million tracks.

    Commercial Android iPhone Web Blackberry Windows Phone

  • Stingray Music

    Curated by music experts around the World. Broadcast on your TV, streamed online and accessible from your mobile. No ads, no talk. Just great music.

    Free iPhone Web

  • is the place to discover and listen to free music online, create free playlists, and share it all on your favorite social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, and more. Listen to free music.

    Free Web

  • emusic

    Discover and download music with our free personalized discovery tools. Read reviews, listen to samples, and buy tracks or albums from your favorite artists.

    Commercial Android Web

  • CloudPlay

    CloudPlay is a music player that searches and streams free music from YouTube, SoundCloud, exfm, BandSoup, iTunes, Jamendo, and thousands of radio stations. Discover new playlists from sites like and many more.

    Commercial Mac OS X

  • Tradiio Music

    Virtually invest in the best new music. Get rewards for helping new artists emerge and play your part in their success.

    Freemium Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web Apple Watch

  • Discovr Music

    Discover a world of new music with Discovr Music. Millions of music fans across the globe use Discovr to find new music.


  • Yala Music

    Yala is a world music service that music fans can enjoy on the web, mobile and desktop - Download and Listen to Free Unlimited Music !

    Freemium Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web Blackberry Windows Phone PlayBook


    seevl is a free and unlimited music discovery platform where you can: - Find music by genre, record labels, etc. - Know more about your favorite artists (influences, band members, etc.

    Free Personal Chrome OS Web Chrome Deezer

  • Ournia

    Ournia is the leading network of Arabic Musicians and Fans Search. Play. Discover. Ournia is easy as these three words. Filter artists by country or style and discover songs, albums, biographies, videos and more.

    Free iPhone iPad Web