The Best 27 7Digital Alternatives
26 Like
Freemake Music Box
Freemake Music Box is a new music app that gives you free access to millions of songs online. Regardless of your location, you can search, play and organize online music free and easily.
7 Like
Listen Online your Favorite Tunes Totally free and legal. Search for a group, listen, share, add playlists, listen radios, find lyrics. You can even watch the video or download the mp3.
7 Like is the place to discover and listen to free music online, create free playlists, and share it all on your favorite social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, and more. Listen to free music.
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Tradiio Music
Virtually invest in the best new music. Get rewards for helping new artists emerge and play your part in their success.
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Discovr Music
Discover a world of new music with Discovr Music. Millions of music fans across the globe use Discovr to find new music.
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Yala Music
Yala is a world music service that music fans can enjoy on the web, mobile and desktop - Download and Listen to Free Unlimited Music !
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Roon (Music Player)
Roon looks at your music and finds photos, bios, reviews, lyrics, and concert dates, and makes connections between artists, composers, performers, conductors, and...