Universal Viewer
Universal Viewer is an advanced file viewer for wide range of formats. Supported file formats are: Images: all major graphics formats: JPG BMP ICO GIF PNG WMF TIFF PSD..., over 40 formats.
ZXReader is an e-book reader for Symbian s60 3rd or 5th edition mobile phones.
zxreader is an ebook reader for symbian s60 3rd or 5th edition mobile phones.
with zxreader you can customize almost everything about the ebook display: from changing the fonts and colors to things like screen margins and the location of the info bar. and the best thing is that zxreader is a freeware and signed as well! navigation is great: the app divides the screen into touchable regions that can activate different functions – by default, the top portion of the screen is used to move back a page, and the bottom portion to move forward. but you could also change it to left, center, right, and have each section perform a different task.
ebook-reader fullscreen-support fb2-viewer