Universal Viewer
Universal Viewer is an advanced file viewer for wide range of formats. Supported file formats are: Images: all major graphics formats: JPG BMP ICO GIF PNG WMF TIFF PSD..., over 40 formats.
Zipeg is a universal open source archive extractor that supports ZIP and RAR (among other archiving formats). With just a click you can open a file and see what is inside.
zipeg is a universal open source archive extractor that supports zip and rar (among other archiving formats). with just a click you can open a file and see what is inside.
it is incapable of compressing files, although it is able to extract compressed ones. zipeg is built on top of the 7zip backend. its user interface is implemented in java and is open source.
zipeg automatically detects filenames in national alphabets (code pages) and correctly translates them to unicode. zipeg reads exif thumbnails from jpeg digital photographs and uses them for "tool tip" style preview and item icons.
features:* popular: .zip, .rar, .7z, .tar, .gz, .tgz, .bzip2, .iso, .cbr, .cbz formats;* rare: .arj, .lha .lzh, .cpio, .rpm, .chm, .z, .war, .ear* decrypts password protected .zip and .rar files (strong aes encryption).* automagically combines and opens multipart .zip and .rar files.* shows content of archive and allow you to select what to extract.* groks filenames in national alphabets (both code pages and unicode).* super fast "hover over" preview using exif thumbnails for photographs.* ideal for opening multiple gmail attachments downloaded as zip file.* useful for opening and browsing facebook backup zip files.
Productivity Developer Tools File Management
file-archiving Discontinued rar zip unzip extract-zip extract-iso