The Best 41 Zcash Alternatives
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Mycelium Local Trader
Mycelium Local Trader is a decentralized in-person exchange that is built right into your bitcoin wallet. Because the coins are stored locally in your wallet, the Local Trader exchange never needs to hold any of your bitcoins or fiat.
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Buysomebitcoins lets anybody, from anywhere buy bitcoin instantly with a debit or credit cards. Transactions are instant, anonymous and unrestricted.
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xCurrency - Smart Currency
xCurrency for Android, the most simple & beautiful currency convertor. Using material design and making a intuitive and graceful experience to global travelers.
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Minimalist view on CoinMarketCap's dashboard, with some info from CryptoCompare and other sources.
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Bitcoin Checker
Monitor the most RECENT prices of all CRYPTO-currencies on over 80 exchanges from all around the world.
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Monitor over 6500+ Cryptocurrency in Real Time with Arbitrage Oprtunities and Alerts through Email, SMS, Desktop and Web Notifications.
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Library Credits (LBC)
Library Credits (aka. LBC) is the monetary currency of LBRY. This Bitcoin-like payment system is for content procuders and consumers to buy and monetize their workings.