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turbobit.net is a free net space where you may upload your files, store them, share your files with your friends by providing them links to your files, and download your friend's files using their links.
Zaclys provide an easy to use ownCloud solution with 1Go free. And also dedicated servers !.
Zaclys provides easy and secure cloud online storage and synchronization based on the ownCloud free and opensource solution.
Official Website
File sync Share files Unlimited storage Cloud sync Sync Contacts Sync with Google Calendar Dedicated Server Hosting Photo Sharing End to end encryption Privacy Protected Shared calendars Password encryption Send Big files Online Sharing Photo synchronization Cloud + email Email provider Private gallery Social media integration
Productivity Education and Reference Online Services File Sharing Backup and Sync
file-synchronization online-backup share-files synchronization unlimited-storage cloud-sync contact-sync sync-calendars google-calendar-sync dedicated-server photo-sharing end-to-end-encryption online-service privacy-protected shared-calendars password-encryption organization send-large-files ical-calendar-sync owncloud online-sharing photo-sync cloud--email email-provider-also private-gallery social-media-integration