Remix OS Player
Remix OS Player is the most up-to-date emulator on the market. Enjoy the latest games and apps that Android has to offer.
Runs Android apps and app stores on your PC, no phone required Download thousands of apps online via app stores within youwave High performance - The fastest way...
runs android apps and app stores on your pc, no phone required
download thousands of apps online via app stores within youwave
high performance the fastest way to run android on pc
ease of use easy to install. easy to import and run apps
key technical features
supports android 2.3 gingerbread
runs on windows xp/vista/7, 32/64 bit
simulated sd card functionality enables game saving
saved state enables fast restart
enables multiplayer online games
dynamic rotating phonelike instant response
volume control buttons
retractable control panel
Official Website
Developer Tools Utilities Networking and Admin
android-emulator android-on-pc emulation