Pe (Programmer’s Editor)
Pe, short for Programmer’s Editor, is an open source text editor for BeOS. It is targeted towards source-code editing, and features syntax highlighting for a large...
Ynote Classic is an easy to use fast and advanced text editor with a tabbed interface and multiview. It has intelligent Syntax Highlighting, Code Folding , Auto Indent...
Ynote Classic is an easy to use fast and advanced text editor with a tabbed interface and multiview. It has intelligent Syntax Highlighting, Code Folding , Auto Indent and autocompletion. It can highlight any language you like using Regular Expressions. It can deal with large files (100k lines and more) quickly by using the File >Binding>Open Binding File mode which can open large files very quickly.
Syntax Highlighting Autocompletion Support for Large File Automatic Indentation
text-editor syntax-highlighting autocompletion code-editor programmers-editor auto-indentation code-folding large-file-editor regular-expressions
Pe, short for Programmer’s Editor, is an open source text editor for BeOS. It is targeted towards source-code editing, and features syntax highlighting for a large...
Free Open Source Haiku
Aubrey’s gVim is, well, Aubrey's gVim! The project arose out the his personal desire to use Vim as my HTML, CSS, PHP & Javascript editor. It’s an installable...
Free Open Source Windows
Notepad! is the free, powerful, feature-rich replacement for your Windows Notepad. This software is completely free to use, for both personal and business purposes. With...
Free Windows
This is the editor you were looking for. Keypress is an offline, desktop based code editor. Use Keypress to edit your local files, on any platform. Keypress features...
Free Chrome OS Chrome
Thunderpad (formerly Textpad) is a simple, general-purpose and cross-platform text editor written in C++ using the Qt libraries. Thunderpad aims to be faster and more...
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
PHP Studio is an easy-to-use and comprehensive development solution for PHP based websites and applications. This advanced PHP editor has many features that will...
Commercial Windows