The Best 46 Ymail2 Alternatives

  • AOL Mail

    FREE e-mail account with IMAP, spam and virus protection with UNLIMITED storage (GMail max. 7.3 GB). Because of this AOL WebMail is ideal as E-mail archive or E-Mail-Backup utility for other Mail accounts.

    Free Web

  • iRedMail

    A fully fledged, free email server solution, an open source project (GPL v2). Use official binary packages from Linux/BSD distributions, with both i386 and x86_64 support. Easy, fast deployment in LESS THAN 1 MINUTE.

    Free Open Source Linux BSD Self-Hosted

  • MailMate

    MailMate is an IMAP email client for Mac featuring extensive keyboard control, Markdown supported email composition.


  • Canary Mail

    Canary is an exciting new email client for Mac that offers a full set of powerful features with one key difference - your emails are not stored on a 3rd party server. ...

    Commercial Mac OS X iPhone

  • nPOPuk

    nPOPuk is an ultra-small, but comprehensive, e-mail client that runs on a wide range of Windows-based operating systems

    Free Open Source Windows Windows Mobile

  • IncrediMail

    Ad-supported email client for the Microsoft Windows operating system by IncrediMail Ltd. that offers the ability to add e-mail backgrounds, Emoticons, Ecards, Sounds...

    Free Personal Windows

  • Pantheon Mail

    pantheon mail is a free open source email client forked by the elementary os community from geary...

    Free Open Source Linux elementary OS

  • Pegasus Mail

    Pegasus Mail is a free, standards-based electronic mail client suitable for use by single or multiple users on single computers or on local area networks.

    Free Windows

  • Mulberry

    Mulberry is a powerful, easy to use electronic mail (email) and calendar program that allows you to send, access, and manage email and calendars. Mulberry also helps you manage other related information, such as contact information.

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux

  • IBM Notes

    IBM Notes (formerly IBM Lotus Notes) is a desktop client for social business. This email software includes messaging, applications and social collaboration. IBM Notes...

    Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux

  • EmailTray

    EmailTray is a smart email client and an email notifier for POP3 and IMAP email accounts, including Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo mail and AOL. EmailTray intelligently ranks...

    Free Windows Android

  • GyazMail

    GyazMail is a email client software for Mac OS X, based on Cocoa framework, simple, easy-to-use with many features.

    Commercial Mac OS X

  • Columba

    Columba is an email client written in Java, featuring a user-friendly graphical interface with wizards and internalionalization support. Its a powerful mail management...

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux BSD

  • ProfiMail

    ProfiMail is a powerful email client for mobile phones. It allows you to read your mail on the go, and send text with attachments directly from your phone. Send photos, recorded sound or simply text messages to friends, from anywhere.

    Freemium Android Android Tablet Windows Mobile S60