Dicty Lite
Say one or more sentences for Dicty to convert to/from text. Can sent text to WhatsApp, SMS or e-mail or copied and used in any other application that accepts text. ...
YAKiToMe! is a free text-to-speech (TTS) website. YAKiToMe! provides technology and community for our users (YAKs) to learn and share by reading aloud. Our services...
yakitome! is a free texttospeech (tts) website.
yakitome! provides technology and community for our users (yaks) to learn and share by reading aloud. our services provide:
the highestquality free text to speech conversion services on the internet the most free readers in the most languages the best user experience the best software for managing social interactions
text to speech (tts) is not just for the visually impaired. it's a tool for all learners: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic.
yakitome! stimulates learning comprehension and retention by providing simultaneous input to auditory and reading/writing learners. advanced users read even faster with the help of our voices.
yakitome! promotes reading and learning!
yakitome! helps you learn when your hands and/or eyes are occupied driving, exercising, doing household chores ... learn anywhere, anytime. yakitome! takes learning and entertainment mobile.
yakitome! is helpful to visually impaired readers, dyslexics, and others with learning and reading disabilities. our free usage model enables users of all economic demographics to have access to the worlds' best text to speech (tts) technologies.
online-education text-to-speech