XP-Dev.com provides commercial grade Subversion Hosting (SVN Hosting) and Project Management tools. XP-Dev.com provides Enterprise grade FREE and commercial...
xpdev.com provides commercial grade subversion hosting (svn hosting) and project management tools.
xpdev.com provides enterprise grade free and commercial subversion, git & mercurial hosting integrated with trac hosting & project tracking for open source and proprietary projects.
xpdev.com respects the privacy of your data andmakes a huge effort to ensure your data is secure and safe.
features: * webhooks * commit emails * secure ssl access * realtime and nightly offsite backups * migrate easily to/from another provider * direct file hosting using jekyll * webdav enabled * online repository browser * integration with basecamp, fogbugz, lighthouse, donedone, fixx and twitter
git project-tracking projects agile-project-management svn svn-hosting programming