Serious Sam
Serious Sam is a first-person shooter video game series that follows the adventures of protagonist Sam "Serious" Stone and his fight against the forces of the notorious extraterrestrial overlord Mental who seeks to destroy...
Xonotic is a free (GPL), fast-paced first-person shooter that works on Windows, OS X and Linux. The project is geared towards providing addictive arena shooter gameplay which is all spawned and driven by the community itself.
xonotic is a free (gpl), fastpaced firstperson shooter that works on windows, os x and linux. the project is geared towards providing addictive arena shooter gameplay which is all spawned and driven by the community itself. xonotic is a direct successor of nexuiz with years of development between them, and it aims to become the best possible opensource fps (firstpersonshooter) of its kind.
Official Website
Portable Real time collaboration
portable real-time-collaboration games opengl floss first-person-shooter arena-shooter darkplaces foss linux-game quake-style