Nitro Reader
Nitro Reader offers features and functionality far beyond typical PDF readers, and makes working with PDF easier than ever before.
Xodo is the ultimate cross-platform PDF viewer and annotator. And it’s 100% free.
xodo is the ultimate crossplatform pdf viewer and annotator. and it’s 100% free.
powerful, fast, and optimized for all phones and tablets, xodo’s mobile app makes it easy to access, mark up, sort, share, sync, and manage even the most complex pdf documents. or take your pdf beyond the app with xodo connect and collaborate with clients, colleagues, or classmates in realtime from any web browser no signups or installs required. whether you want to highlight class notes, alter a recipe, adapt blueprints, revise and sign contracts, fill in forms, or just read a good book, xodo simplifies your life.
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PDF annotation Real time collaboration Scan to PDF Sign PDF files Online Sharing
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pdf-annotation online-collaboration real-time-collaboration pdf-reader scan-to-pdf sign-pdf pdf-creator online-sharing