Portable Webserver
It's a portable server manager that you can go anywhere, anytime, in any computer and run your webapp. Quick and easy to configure, a really useful application for your portable apps kit.
WPN-XM - is a free and open-source web server solution stack for professional PHP development on the Windows platform.
wpnxm is a free and opensource web server solution stack for professional php development on the windows platform.
base of the stack: nginx + php + mariadb 17 offline installation wizards (packaged) lite, literc, standard, full 5 webinstallation wizard (downloads latest versions from the web) a software registry with 50+ components, x86 & x64 webinterface server control panel (tray app) written in qt5 the project is developed on github https://github.com/wpnxm/wpnxm the build toolchain is opensource. continuously integrated on travisci. builds are autodeployed to github releases.
Official Website
Productivity Developer Tools System and Hardware
portable php web-development mongodb mariadb postgresql nginx rar memcached wamp-webserver adminer amqp apc closure-compiler composer fake-sendmail imagick messagepack openssl pear phpmemcachedadmin pickle rockmongo varnish webgrind wpn-xm-server-control-panel xdebug xhgui xhprof zeromq