Standard Notes
Love Notes. Love Encryption. Standard Notes is a safe place for your notes, thoughts, and life's work. It's simple. Standard Notes is the easiest notes app you'll ever use.
WizNote is a Note software, which is especially designed for Internet users and mobile Internet users. WizNote focuses more on notes of rapid collection, management, reading and sharing.
wiznote is a note software, which is especially designed for internet users and mobile internet users. wiznote focuses more on notes of rapid collection, management, reading and sharing. wiznote is smaller, more stable, and more suitable for computers, phones and mobile devices. it has a more abundant notes organization and rapid fulltext retrieval. using associated online service, you can synchronise the notes between your computer and your cell phone.
available languages: chinese and english.
Portable Capture Screen / Take screenshots Save web page for offline use
Productivity Education and Reference
portable screen-capture note-taking notepad online-notes todo-manager website-screenshot markdown save-web-page journal