Traveler Buddy
Travel Itinerary Management. Created by business and frequent leisure travelers to enjoy hassle-free travels. Made for travelers like them. Get real time flight alerts and more.
Forward your booking emails to [email protected] and have all your travel plans on the web and your mobile! Flight schedules, weather, currency converter, calendar sync...
forward your booking emails to [email protected] and have all your travel plans on the web and your mobile! flight schedules, weather, currency converter, calendar sync... wipolo gives you the tools to travel smarter!
wipolo is available on iphone app store ( http://itunes.apple.com/app/wipoloyourmobiletravel/id375316808 ), in market place for windows phone 7 and on the samsung store for bada ( http://www.samsungapps.com/topapps/topappsdetail.as?productid=g00000077171&listyn=y ).
for other mobile devices there's the mobile website dedicated to smartphones : m.wipolo.com
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Productivity Developer Tools Travel and Location
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