My Commander
My Commander (MyCO) is "the small - smarter - fastest file manager in the world", archiver and ISO creator for Windows 7. Small and smart, MyCO uses less of your computer's memory while it's running.
The first multi-column file manager for Windows! The elegance of the Macintosh for your PC.
winbrowser features a multicolumn interface as used on the macintosh resulting in the most elegant file manager available for windows today.
multicolumn advantagemost windows file managers, like explorer, rely on a single directory tree to navigate to an item on your pc. each time a subfolder is chosen the entire navigation path can scroll drastically out of view. retracing your path to make a new selection can take an significant amount of searching and scrolling.
multicolumn file managers like winbrowser and the macintosh finder allow each folder to occupy its own column (also known as a miller column) so its subfolders don't get mixed in with all the other displayed subfolders. the folders stay organized and the path from one to the next remains clear.
preview images, multimedia, text, pdf and web documentssupercharged audio and videomultithreaded performancerename many items at oncethe easy way to associate file types
file-management miller-columns